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Tag 11: Wild to Mild

C5A44F20-4745-4E3B-B544-171B1DCA382C They need their break like we need ours

​3. August 2022

​Route: Kilchrenan–Taynuilt–Oban ​Wetter: bewölkt, ein bisschen Regen, am Nachmittag dann auch sonnig ​Wind: gut
​Tageskilometer: 31

​The night was a bit of a challenge. In the middle of freaking Nirvana we put our tent up – after a delicious meal in the Kilchrenan Inn – while the midges were taking the best of us in the light rain. Camping on the wild side. On the hill next the road on which one car per half an hour is considered rush hour.

It was raining on and off the whole night through, so our tent was really wet when we took it down in the morning. And the rest of our stuff was not really dry either.

And those midges.

About twenty minutes after waking up we were on the road again. First we had the impression it could go on like yesterday – one or two steep hills to climb just to fall down again. But then the road followed the river: gently we sailed towards Tynuilt, where the „promised“ café was not open. Darn!!!

Then again, the Post Office was also a grocery store was also a coffee shop. Just one of those cheap coffees from one of those ugly machine – but a hot drink is a hot drink. 

We then followed the main road to Oban which got busier and busier – the last stretch being actually too busy. 

Arriving in Oban was like entering a new world. After the remoteness of the last few days, we entered the lovely, lively, busy centre of the west coast in Argyll.

And, after those 630 Kms from Newcastle to Oban, we need a break. A break from Wet WIld Camping, from Cycling from Highway to Hells and Skies, and from Midges!

Tomorrow we‘re off to Glasgow and Edinburgh, to get some Big-City Life and some Culture in those two melting pots.

Then we‘re off to the Hebrides. Back to adventure.

Tage zwölf und dreizehn: Glasgowsmilesbetter.
Tag zehn: Highway, Hell and Paradise


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